Grace Blessingpas

On December 17, 2024

This week’s Grave of the Week is Grace Blessingpas. She was born in 1908 to Dutch immigrants.

She came to Tulare County to work at the Mineral King Orchard. Her sister and brother-in-law worked at the orchard, and she was staying with them. Grace died at age 20 in the orchard after suffering from malarial fever. The funeral was held at the orchard, and she was buried at Deep Creek. She had no family in the area other than her sister who was here only to work.

Her stone is unique because it is a cement slab surrounded by bricks. The material appears to be relatively modern. The inscription is just handwriting made in the wet cement. The name on the slab is Grace Blessingpass. Speculation is that Grace was buried without a stone or if a stone was laid, it was damaged somehow and at some point, someone laid this stone to honor Grace.

The newspaper ran the obituary under the name Grace Blessingpars.

Message if you know anyone who should be featured on Grave of the Week. Please include any information about the person’s life and where the grave is located.

Please continue to like, share, and follow the Exeter Cemetery District and thank you to Exeter Chamber of Commerce, Exeter Kiwanis, Kiwanis Club Of Farmersville, The Sun-Gazette Newspaper, Kiwanis of Woodlake for sharing